Archives for category: Children

I had the pleasure of shooting Danielle and Matt’s wedding a couple years ago and photographed their two little girls this past Fall. Now, with their newest addition I was able to photograph little Matthew (2 months)! Look at those precious lips!! We were hoping he would sleep during the shoot but apparently he took a 5 hour nap and naturally, he passed out again as I was leaving. Oh well! Still adorable!

Happy 2011!!! New and exciting things for angela madonia photography!
I recently took the plunge to upgrade my website and I couldn’t be happier with my decision. The template I chose really compliments my logo and ‘look’ Im going for. I die over its simplicity. I also made new business cards and currently in the process of converting one of our rooms into an office/workspace. I re-designed my packages and now offer the option to buy the digital negatives (CD of images) for both weddings and portraits. I’ve also created a “baby’s first year package” which include photos from maternity, newborn, 3 month, 6 month, 9 month and one year old.

Stay tuned for more updates!

Here is the screenshot of my new website in case you haven’t taken a gander.

I’ve known these kids (not so much kids) since they were little tots. I hadn’t seen them in years so to see them all grown up made me feel OLD! They thought to have pictures done for their mother as a Christmas gift. How beautiful!





This little one had a rough start the first few months of his life. The poor dolly had to have ELEVEN chest tubes! His mother works with my father and when I heard about the story  and how they hadn’t had any photos done of him yet (not really a priority when your child is in the hospital for 3 months) I knew I had to put my skills to good use. Consider it my Christmas Gift to this family.


I just adored these two little girls!  The Madison was a little model and Mia was all laughs and smiles. Their rustic barn made the perfect backdrop for photos! I also did their parents’ wedding last year this weekend so happy almost anniversary!!