Archives for category: Senior Portraits

Sometimes a visually appealing graphic design image isn’t about ornaments and textures… but about simple shapes and use of negative space.

My final senior portrait was LAST week! Doing it in January was sort of hit or miss in terms of weather but we lucked out! We decided on the Rome Train Station for location but since it was nice out, we took advantage of the weather and did some shots outside. I’ve done a few photos for weddings there but it was nice to really use the natural light to my advantage – one on one.


I did Sierra’s senior pictures in December but since I was running around like a mad man, I waited until tonight to blog about her shoot. Awful, I know!

We did Sierra’s photos at her best friend’s house and luckily for me, her mother is an artist and they had just added an addition to their house for the purpose of using it as a studio. It was a photographer’s dream! Natural light, hardwood floors – it was perfect! There was a mild snowstorm during the session but that didn’t stop us from going outside.

We just had fun with it.

Happy 2011!!! New and exciting things for angela madonia photography!
I recently took the plunge to upgrade my website and I couldn’t be happier with my decision. The template I chose really compliments my logo and ‘look’ Im going for. I die over its simplicity. I also made new business cards and currently in the process of converting one of our rooms into an office/workspace. I re-designed my packages and now offer the option to buy the digital negatives (CD of images) for both weddings and portraits. I’ve also created a “baby’s first year package” which include photos from maternity, newborn, 3 month, 6 month, 9 month and one year old.

Stay tuned for more updates!

Here is the screenshot of my new website in case you haven’t taken a gander.

Kat literally did her senior portrait shoot in the snow! It was absolutely freezing out but she kept her coat off to get the shots… What a good sport! Kat is a guitarist so I was able to hear some of her music before her poor fingers went numb. She’s quite good!



Kira was such a doll! She said she was thankful I was enthusiastic during her shoot! What can I say… I love what I do! Lovvve her eyes!!!

I was quite envious of Jonathan’s eyelashes. LOOK AT THEM! Anyways, like all my seniors… Jonathan was great to work with. We even took a couple pictures with his mama. So sweet.

What a beautiful day for a photo shoot!! I swear I did not hire Stephanie to model for me, she was just that amazing in front of the camera!

Stephanie was just too adorable. This pint-sized cutie is into music and drama and her theater background definitely came in handy during her senior portrait shoot. She was soooo comfortable in front of the camera and made my job easy. Here are some of my favorite few from the shoot.

Poor Stacie was just ICE during her entire senior portrait shoot. You can’t tell from the pictures but she was shivering and her teeth were chattering. She did a phenomenal job, though!! If I didn’t know any better I would have thought these were taken on a comfortable spring day… not the first day of it sleeting/snowing/raining/whatever the weather was doing today. yikes.